Please print this page and mail to the address below. 


  Kamloops and District Fish and Game Association  

Our Membership year is from January 1- December 31

Surname _________________________ Name____________________   

Today’s date___________________      Age_________

Membership class (circle one)      Regular  ( $50)         

                                             Family ($60 - includes spouse and/or kids 18 or under)

                                             Junior ($10 - age 18 or under)  

Family membership :     Membership cards will be issued to each adult and each child. One newsletter will be sent per family membership and only two members may vote.  

partner’s name _____________________  

Kids (18 or under) names (age)            ____________(___)           

                       _______________ (___) ______________ (___)   _______________ (___)

Amount paid_____________    Who encouraged you to join ?_________________________

Mailing address _____________________________________________________________________________

Street address (if different) _____________________________________________________________________

City_____________________________                Postal Code ____________________   

phone ____________________  email ____________________________________


Please check off areas of interest to you:  Fishing _____  Hunting _____ 

Wild life issues _____ Conservation_____ Archery _____   Trap and Skeet _____ 

22 rifle_____   Competition shoots ____  Club social events  _____ 

Photography_______   Hiking ______       Others___________________________________

Are you willing to volunteer your time or skills to the club ?________ 

Please check off the skills etc. that you can  offer :         Work party______  

Construction_____   Administration _____  Wilderness Watch ______ 

Wildlife habitat______ Fish habitat _____ Family Fishing Days ______ 

Fishout for the Blind ______     Others  ___________________________________________


Membership card(s) (which will be your receipt) will be mailed asap.

Make cheques payable to :  “KDFGA”  or 

                  "Kamloops and District Fish and Game Association”  

           and mail to                  “KDFGA    Box 164     Kamloops B.C.     V2C 5K6”

Office use only  : membership by _______ card by ______ dues by _______ date _______

rev Dec 22 2018