FISH TROPHY ENTRY FORM Please submit before JANUARY 15
Either :
copy the red part and paste into an email to Trent Hardaker using subject "fish entry"
or print, fill it in by hand, and mail to Trent Hardaker 1287 Creston Pl Kamloops BC V2C 2Y7
NAME _________________________________ PHONE NUMBER ______________
ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________
JUNIOR ENTRY: YES/NO DATE CAUGHT ___________________________
SPECIES__________________________FRESHWATER _____ SALTWATER ____
CAUGHT ON: FLY___________________ LURE__________________________
WEIGHT: _____ lbs _____oz _____ WEIGHED AT: ___________________
MEASUREMENT: *LENGTH ____________inches *GIRTH______________ inches
ADULT WITNESS:_______________________________________________________
*Length from tip of nose to fork in tail, and girth at head end of dorsal fin