Adopted May 2017
1. To define the awards and rules for entries to the annual club fishing and hunting.
2. To reward and encourage club members in their hunting and fishing endeavours.
3. To encourage ethical hunting and fishing within the Provincial regulations.
4. To recognize truly outstanding trophy animals taken by club members.
5. To recognize and encourage entries by junior and women members.
(a) Mule Deer – Two classes (typical, non-typical).
(b) White-Tailed Deer - Two classes (typical, non-typical).
(c) Moose – One class.
(d) Sheep – Four classes (Stone’s, Dahl’s, Rocky Mountain Bighorn, California Bighorn).
(e) Mountain Goat – One class.
(f) Elk – Two classes (Rocky Mountain and Roosevelt).
(g) Caribou – One class.
(h) Bear, Grizzly – One class.
(i) Bear, Black – One class.
(j) Cougar – One class.
(k) Wolf – One class.
(l) Out-of-Province Entry – One Class.
(a) Mule Deer - Greatest Spread.
(b) Mule Deer - Most symmetrical head.
(c) Mule Deer - Best two or three-point.
(d) Mule Deer – Best by a junior.
(e) White-Tailed Deer - Greatest spread.
(f) White-Tailed Deer - Most symmetrical head.
(g) White-Tailed Deer - Best two or three-point.
(h) White-Tailed Deer - Best by a junior.
(i) First Buck by a junior.
(j) Best entry by a junior.
(k) Best entry by a Woman.
(l) Best entry by a bowhunter. Note: recurve or compound only
(a) Biggest Ram Award (highest ranking of any species).
(b) Trophy Committee Hat Trick.
(c) Keys Award – Presented for a truly outstanding trophy.
(d) Wildlife Taxidermy Award – For best trophy entered (second to Keys Award).
a. All entries must be taken in British Columbia during the described calendar year. If no BC entries are submitted for a species, out of province entries may be considered for that species.
b. No animal can win more than one award in category I and II.
c. Boone and Crockett scoring system will to be used in measuring all trophies. Big Game Records of British Columbia’s number 1 ranked trophy to be used for averaging percentages and ranking of trophies. Rifle and bow harvested animals will ranked against the largest of each respective species taken with the respective weapons.
d. Antlers must be in a natural state and not tampered with in any way.
e. Green antlers and skulls must have brain and surplus flesh removed and may be refused if not in acceptable condition.
f. All entries must be taken in fair chase by the accepted rules of good sportsmanship.
g. Definition of Non –Typical requires a minimum of 7 inches of non- typical tines.
h. All entries must be provided to the Trophy Committee on or before the annual club scoring day as published in the club newsletter and Facebook page.
i. All entries must be accompanied by the entrant’s name, phone #, address, hunter number and tag number. A field photo is strongly recommended.
j. The Trophy Committee shall have authority to mark all submissions for identification and/or assistance in the scoring process.
k. The Trophy Committee shall have final say in all matters.
l. Applicants must be members in good standing of the Club prior to harvesting any species entered.
m. All trophies entered must be available for display for the Annual Trophy Banquet. Exceptions may be made by Trophy Committee.
n. Junior member entries must 17 years of age or younger at the time of harvest (big game) or fish capture.
d If you wish to enter an animal, notify Trent Hardaker 250-319-2178 or
Ted Hardaker 250-573-4091