1.       Photographers must be a Member, a Family Member or a Junior Member in the membership year prior to the entry deadline.

2.       Photographs must be of a theme relevant to fish, wildlife and/or the natural environment and not previously entered in this competition.

3.       Photographs may be any size up to 8 1/2 x 11 inches and must be unframed, single matted or mounted on cardstock. Overall size must not

          exceed 11 x 14 inches.

4.       Any manipulation of the original image must be limited to minor retouching of blemishes and must not alter the content of the original scene.

5.       Photographs must be entered in one of four categories PLANT LIFE, ANIMAL LIFE, SCENERY, GROUSE.

6.        The Photographers Name, Membership Type and Photograph Category must be on the back of each photograph.

7.       Photographers may enter a total of 4 photographs with a maximum of 2 entries in any category.

8.       Photographs will be judged at the Annual Smorgasbord and Trophy Presentation.  Each member and guest will be allowed one ballot for each category.

9.       Noncompliance with any of the competition rules may result in the entry being eliminated from the competition.

10.     Photographs may be used for display purposes or copied to the Association Newsletter or website.



            For more information, contact      Ted Hardaker       250-573-4091   tedleehardaker@hotmail.com