Kamloops and District Fish and Game Association

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Upcoming Events (revised Nov 29 2024)


General meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month. They are in person meetings

 at the Parkview Activity Center  500 McDonald Ave


BoD meetings will be via zoom on the fourth Thursday of each month.


CORE Hunting and Training Course – This course is primarily for those wishing to obtain their first hunting licence.    Call Alec (250-376-3596) or Ted (250-573-4091) or Bill (250-376-7970).  Also offered are certification courses and examinations for those wishing to receive their PAL (Possession and Acquisition Licence).  Courses will be offered when an adequate numbers of individuals are signed up.

Dec 14           Our informal Christmas Dinner will be held Saturday Dec 14 at the Aberdeen Moon Wok, 1820 Rogers Place. Meet at 5:30, dinner at 6:00 pm.  This dinner is for all club members. Seating might be limited, so please notify Melody 250-376-8012  or  melody_gobkes@outlook.com  BEFORE Dec 8


Nov. / Dec.  Installation of the ice fencing on Tulip, Rose, Horseshoe, and Walloper Lakes will be completed as soon as the ice thickness allows access around the aeration units. Contact Bob [250-372-7016] if you can assist.


January 11     Annual trophy measurements session for fish and wildlife entries .  All entries should be submitted by this date.  The session will commence at 10 am at Harry's house at 602 Cooper Place in Westsyde.


January XX     Nicola Valley Fish and Game club will be holding their annual ice fishing derby at Mamit Lake. Go to https://www.nvfishandgameclub.ca   for more info.


January 19     Family Ice Fishing Day at Walloper Lake.  The Kamloops Fish and Game club in co-operation with the Kamloops Flyfishers host the annual family ice fishing day. Club members will provide all fishing equipment and assist youngsters in the art of ice fishing. Families can enjoy hotdogs, burgers and hot drinks on the shore for no cost.  Contact Dave Helmer (250-372-8944) if you require more information on the event.


February 2      BC Wildlife Federation “Shuswap” Regional Annual General Meeting via zoom 7pm. Contact  Tom Koester (250-578-7137 tdkoes@telus.net )  if you would like to attend.